Do not sell my Personal Information

The information below is presented in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and intended for website users located in California, United States, and other users to whom the CCPA applies (CCPA users).

Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Please note that Tshirt at Low Price does not ‘sell’ users’ personal information to third parties.

Tshirt at Low Price shares data with various service providers for the purposes of them supplying services to Tshirt at Low Price, as further set out in our Privacy Policy, and such sharing of data is consistent with the service provider exception to the ‘do-not-sell’ provisions of the CCPA.

Our Privacy Policy also sets out the types of cookies and other tracking devices on the website and how users may opt-out of cookies / tracking.

In addition to the exercise of rights in accordance with our Privacy Policy, CCPA users may email [store_email] and indicate which of actions 1, 2 or 3 below that they wish Tshirt at Low Price to take in relation to their personal information collected by Tshirt at Low Price:

  1. I do not have a Tshirt at Low Price account – please delete my personal information from e-marketing lists and survey databases.
  2. I have a Tshirt at Low Price account – please maintain my account but delete my personal information from e-marketing lists and survey databases.
  3. I have a Tshirt at Low Price account – please delete my account and also delete my data from e-marketing lists and survey databases.

If you have any questions in relation to Tshirt at Low Price’s compliance with the CCPA, please email [store_email]